Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dear Friend in Waiting in Longing...

Truth be told I've had many a list of  longings.

One that has been repeated over and over and over in the 12 years of our marriage is finding our next home. (We've now lived in a total of 4 states with a total of 6 moves for various reasons and seasons of life together)

Once again, after long last, (and plenty of worry and anxiety mixed in as well) we've found our next home sweet home.

Upon moving to Minnesota about two years ago we knew that our initial lease agreement would be for a temporary 2 year time frame.  Located in an urban area, it was centrally located for hubby to pursue work at several area schools as a professor.  Our eldest was blessedly accepted into an amazing private Christian school nearby.  Though urban living has a few charms, the closer and closer the time came for us to begin seeking housing elsewhere, the more we were longing for a home in more 'family friendly' area.

Our hope was to find a home still not too far away from the city, but within a school district that we'd feel comfortable enrolling our children in the public school. 

That period of uncertainty of where we would be next seemed so long and the search quite arduous.  One afternoon, before settling down during my preschoolers nap time to do my 2nd web search of the day I literally asked God to guide my search.

That very day, I came across an absolutely lovely home on an amazing property in a very well respected school district. 

{amazing view from the back of the house...}

{huge back yard that expands all the way through a little wooded area to the lake}

And for an extra dose of blessing, the owner let me help pick out a paint color for the main living area that will be applied before we move in!

I'm hoping it will be a slightly lighter version of this:

Source: via Heidi on Pinterest

We couldn't be more thrilled!!

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.
~Ephesians 3:20

What are you waiting in longing for?
Has the Lord ever supplied something beyond what you could have hoped for in the first place?



  1. We are in the midst of a big life upheaval right now (sold our house, moving this week, renting for the first time, six months to find a permanent house etc) and this is an encouragement to me that God satisfies the longing heart and that He will help me to focus on what is important and everything that needs accomplishing will be accomplished.

    1. take heart in the knowledge that He's holding your family in his hand no matter what house. :)

  2. hey sweet friend. thanks for letting me know about your new space. love the new place. looks like God heard and answered your prayers!! great view:)

    1. H! Yes, we feel spoiled - but extremely thankful - water is so calming to me - hoping to do some ice skating out there this winter!! :)
